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  • Writer's pictureMaryna Varchuk


Updated: May 15, 2023

Beautiful, glowing skin starts with how we eat, but these anti-aging foods can also help with more than that.

Here is no single food that will significantly affect the aging process. But an overall healthy dietary pattern — meaning the foods and beverages we eat day after day — really can make a difference in our health as we age. And the same basic dietary pattern is recommended whether you’re interested in preventing cardiovascular issues, cognition problems or wrinkles.

That pattern can be summed up this way: Choose more whole foods (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and lean proteins) and fewer ultra-processed foods (fast food, soda and sweets). The familiar Mediterranean and DASH diets fit into this pattern. These eating plans work because they are filled with foods that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and forgo foods that promote inflammation or the cellular damage that accelerates aging.

Years of clinical studies show that these dietary patterns may help protect against cardiovascular disease. In a 2019 review published in the journal Circulation Research, the authors concluded “there is a large, strong, plausible, and consistent body of available prospective evidence to support the benefits of the MedDiet on cardiovascular health.”

The Anti-aging diet should include berries, leafy greens, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, legumes, fish, poultry and whole grains. The pattern recommends cutting back on cheese, butter, red meat, fried food and sweets. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty, the plan recommends:

· At least one dark green leafy vegetable each day.

· Berries at least twice a week.

· At least five servings of nuts per week.

· Beans or legumes at least every other day.

· At least three servings of whole grains per day.

· Poultry (not fried) at least twice a week.

· Fish (not fried) at least once a week.

· Limited consumption of cheese, fast foods and fried foods. (Less than once per week.)

· Less than one tablespoon a day of butter. (Use olive oil instead.)

· Sweets or pastries less than five times per week.

· Red meat no more than three meals per week.

· Wine, preferably red. (No more than one glass daily.)

Flood your body with powerful nutrients

By nourishing ourselves with these anti-aging foods, we can gain fuel to look and feel our best.

If you’re looking for more delicious plants to try, choose fruits and vegetables deep in color. The rich shades are usually a sign of stronger radical fighting abilities to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. The more colors you can fit on your plate, the better.

It’s time to slow down signs of aging and truly glow from within!

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