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Wellness & Healthy Life

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   I'm excited to share with you my passion for teaching people about living a healthy lifestyle. As someone who has experienced the benefits of making positive changes in my own life, I'm eager to help others do the same. Whether you're looking to improve your diet, increase your activity level, or reduce stress, I'm here to offer guidance and support. Let's work together to create a happier, healthier you!


I am a certified Wellness & Healthy Life Consultant thanks to the following courses:


-   CPD Accredited Health and Wellness Certification

-   Anti-Aging Programme

-   Wellness Programs

-   Health lifestyle recommendations

-   Diploma in Nutritionist

-   Health and Nutrition Life Coach

Balance in life

    Everything in life is a balance 

Push, pull.

Give, take.

Hardness, softness.

Effort, ease.

In order to maintain good health, we as humans require balance.

Anytime something feels off, it's important to check in and see where we may feel imbalanced. It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family. When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. Equilibrio nella vita Tutta la vita è una questione di equilibrio continuo. Spingere, tirare. Dare, prendere. Forzare, allentare. Chiudere, aprire. Per mantenere una buona salute, noi esseri umani abbiamo bisogno di equilibrio. Ogni volta che qualcosa non va, è importante fare un check e capire dove siamo sbilanciati. La qualità della vita è tutta nella ricerca di un felice equilibrio tra lavoro, amici e famiglia. Quando hai equilibrio nella tua vita, il lavoro e tutto il resto diventano un'esperienza completamente diversa.

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Building routine habits 

      I will be travelling a lot this year and constantly having to change up my daily routine so building habits that I do every single day will help me stay consistent and moving towards my goals, be more productive, live a more balanced life.

Prioritize time to practicing self care/prioritize time for yourself We need to take care of ourselves above all else. This year I started to give more time to address my self-care. Last year was very much difficult for me and I often forgot to make time for the things I love like reading, cinemas, doing sport, meditation and cooking. I am trying to be a lot better this year and have gone so far as building these things into my daily habits Make time for the movements Establishing a habit of moving your body throughout the day can change your life. Working out in the morning improves my energy levels and circulation, and encourages good lymphatic function. I am doing 60 mins workout 5 times per day and I feel myself quite good. I like walking as well and trying to do min 10 000 steps per day Schedule out the day I really loved to write my To-Do list and I am setting a new to-do list every day based on the previous day's list and anything . Having a schedule helps me successfully use those precious minutes and hours for my family and help establish a good routine instead of wasting away time. Setting challenging goals For us is very important to set any goals. For example I have a special diary where I am planing my life for the future 5-10 years. I write down my vision, personal and business achievements, my wishes even my dreams. Writing down your goals narrows your focus and provides short-term motivation and excitement. Which are your habits that helps you make progress?

Become the best version of yourself, that you possibly can be.

Prioritize your growth, your peace and your development. Here are 7 tips to developing a growth mindset that's going to help you step out of your comfort zone: 1. Frame challenges as opportunities 2. Look for the lessons, learnings & positives in every situation 3. Seek feedback from people you respect & people who are where you want to be headed (& don't take advice from people who aren't in a position you'd want to be in) 4. Build self trust by keeping the promises you make to yourself, even the small ones. Celebrate your wins as well 5. Keep learning. If you're not learning you're not growing 6. Do the hard things first, especially in the morning. Win the morning, win the day 7. Don't be envious, be proactive &insoired

blog,  lifestyle, healthy life, italy, milan, coach, fitness, sport
blog,  lifestyle, healthy life, italy, milan, coach, fitness, sport

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits. Only a few lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity. Everyone can experience the health benefits of physical activity – age, abilities, ethnicity, shape, or size do not matter.

 #wellness #health #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #omega #supplements #nutrients #sleepwell #stress #healthyplate #recipe #vitaminD  #food #italianfood #magnesium #calcium #vitaminC #probiotic
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