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  • Writer's pictureMaryna Varchuk


It is an easy way to plan healthy meals for your breakfast, lunch and dinner without the need to count calories or read long lists of ingredients. In addition, it helps you:

  • eat a variety of foods

  • control your portion sizes (amount of food you place on your plate)

  • prevent chronic diseases including diabetes

  • control your blood glucose levels if you have diabetes

Fill a quarter of your plate with wholegrains (e.g. brown rice, wholemeal bread, rolled oats).

Unlike refined grains (e.g. white rice, noodles, white bread), wholegrains are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and dietary fibre.

Wholegrains can help with weight management because they keep you feeling full longer and reduce the need for snacking. Wholegrains can also help people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels.

Fill a quarter of your plate with meat and others (e.g. poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts, beans, tofu, dairy products).

Cook meat in a variety of ways: stir-fry, roast, steam, in soup, grill.

Go for oily fish (e.g. tuna, mackerel, tenggiri batang and ikan tenggiri), poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) and lean meat.

Fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables.

Cook vegetables in a variety of ways: stir-fry, roast, steam, in soup, sauté.

For fruit, eat them whole rather than as juices.

Fruit and vegetables are low in fat and high in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. They lower your risk of many diseases.

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