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  • Writer's pictureMaryna Varchuk

Support Your Body’s Balance

Updated: May 15, 2023

Most people are taught to watch out for spoiled food, which is generally caused by an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria or mold. It’s a legitimate concern. But certain types of bacteria help support your health and are safe in the proper balance. They’re called probiotics—meaning “for life.”

Why take a probiotic or prebiotic supplement?

Many realities of life can disrupt the stability of your gut environment. A few include: stress, a nutrient-poor diet, dehydration, unhealthy sleep patterns, certain medications, and exposure to new microbes when traveling.

USANA Probiotic is a carefully selected blend of beneficial probiotic bacteria you can easily add to your routine. This sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free powder comes in convenient stick packs and mixes easily into your favourite beverage so you can support your gut on the go.

Health Benefits

  • Supports healthy digestion

  • Helps maintain a healthy microflora balance

  • Supplies 12 billion colony-forming bacteria per serving

  • Incorporates live and active cultures

Making USANA Probiotic part of your day is a fantastic way to Start Something Simple. Try it today and let this small change support your overall health.

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